Stone Creations - Logo
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Serving Entire State of Wisconsin
The logo for stone creations is blue and white on a white background.
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Serving All of Wisconsin and Beyond

Our Specialty Countertops

31 Years of Experience | Serving All of Wisconsin and Beyond

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Hero Form

31 Years Experience
Serving All of Wisconsin and Beyond

A black and white drawing of a clock and a 24 hour sign.

Free estimate

A group of people are talking to each other with speech bubbles.

Free on-site consultation

A black and white drawing of a medal with a ribbon.

Over 31 years of experience

A dollar sign in a circle on a white background.

Convenient payment options

A line drawing of a stack of money on a white background.

Competitive prices

The Countertop That You'll Love

Want a countertop that is unique yet attractive to design your property? Stone Creations' specialty countertops will surely suit your needs. We match surfaces that meet your family's taste, and we are experts when it comes to countertop restorations. 

We have a hands-on and professional approach when it comes to our design services. Visit us today to take a look at our countertop collection.
Specialty product

Our Specialty Countertops Are Made From


  • Dekton
  • Neolith
  • Vetrazzo
  • Ice stone


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